Monday, April 17, 2017

4.17.17 We Got to Shake Elder Rasband's Hand and Look him straight in the eyes!

Hey everyone!!                                                                         4/17/17

We had one great week! President Huntsman’s  daughter got married and all of his family came to visit. Not only did his family but many close friends.   One of them being Elder Rasband. We had a special fireside on Saturday night before Easter Sunday for all of the missionaries. They wanted us to for sure bring a friend so we would be able to come. President and Sister Huntsman both spoke along with president’s parents Jon and Karen Huntsman and the concluding speakers were Elder and Sister Rasband. 

When Elder Rasband came in, he came through the very back doors very quietly and began shaking everyone's hands. We were on one of the back rows and so we were able to meet him and shake his hand. It was incredible to look into his eyes and feel the power of his testimony. As he spoke, I felt it was perfect for our friend Andy who had joined us. He spoke on the power in the Resurrection. He talked about how when our loved ones pass on their spirit’s live on awaiting the resurrection. I know at each of us we're able to receive so much inspiration that night. 

My favorite talk was given by Sister Rasband. She spoke about their chance to serve as Mission president and wife in the New York mission. She spoke of one Elder who always dreamed of getting his shoes shined at one of the fancy shoe stations. He had always served in the Bronx and never got close to one of them. But one day he heard a man calling out "Shoe shine! Shoe shine! Anyone want a shoe shine!"  The Elder rushed over and was met by a man who once again asked if if he wanted a shoe shine. The Elder was so excited and then asked "how much will it cost me?" The man said "as much as you are willing to pay" and then began shinning the Elders shoe. The Elder soon realized that this shoe shine was much different then all of the rest. 

This man did not have all of the fancy equipment or even a fancy chair. All he had was his spotted shirt and his arm which he used to finish off the polish. He used a small baby food jar filled with black polish to create a beautiful shine. She told us of how the Elder quickly related this to Christ and his remarkable gift to us. He happily goes around saying "soul shine! Soul shine! Anyone want a soul shine!" As we ask what it will cost us he asks us to give all that we can. 

What an amazing gift that we are all waiting for and wishing  we could have just like that Elder. I know that through Christ's Atonement we ALL will be able to shine again. No matter where we have come from. He only cares where we are going. It has been so maxing to see that same change in all the people we work with. As we see them as Children of God with an amazing potential to Shine I know they will become such incredible lights to all the world. I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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